Monday, 28 November 2011

Ideas relay (1)

‘Run with the Fire’ simulated the idea of a relay as each artist created their artwork using the idea of another artist as a starting point. In this series of posts we will publish statements from the artists involved in the project describing how they made use of the original idea they were given in creating the final work that they contributed to ‘Run with The Fire’.

The first comes from Ally Clarke:

"The concept I had been given and that served as the starting point for the work was rich with themes, so I chose to let the concepts of 'The goodness of God', 'God's abundant passion' and aspects of 'The history of the Olympic spirit' to particularly spur me on.  Being a lover of trees I enjoy thinking of the setting for the very early games being in a wooded valley and the winners being crowned with the leaves from the sacred olive tree.  The historical fact of the Olympics being part of festivals resulting from a peace agreement between city states has also worked its way into my thinking for the piece.  Using motifs, colours and form to represent these things, I also worked with oils and colour to express the ideas of goodness and passion.  Blending these ideas I find myself quite liking the unusual notion of a passionate peace...."

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